Tuesday, October 30, 2007

MagicJack how does it work

MagicJack is a cobmbination of SJphone (www.sjlabs.com) and a TigerJet (www.tjnet.com) USB to RJ11 adapter.


Anonymous said...

This article was supposed to be helpful? What would be helpful would be the steps to configure the standard softphone from SJphone to work with the MagicJack ATA (USB-to-RJ11) adapter and the YMax VOIP service. Anyone can download from http://www.sjlabs.com/sjp.html. The hard part is getting the softphone configured so it actually works.

Anonymous said...


I used to have cable and my mj worked ok, but now I need to use it with only a solid wireless connection.

Problem: MJ keeps disconnecting. Any ideas?

Tx much.

Jack Chrysler said...
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Anonymous said...

I found interesting on your blog and really like it. I am looking for Magic Jack resources to know there features. We all know that Magic Jack said never pay a monthly phone bill again! They have the free local and long distance calling in the USA and Canada 100% Risk Free 30 Day Trial promo that sound teasing for all of us. They have no Contract and no obligation. I have also found interesting portal - Magic Jack.

Anonymous said...

With mj, do you pay 2 bills. Its seem that you have to have a land line to connect which leads to a bill plus mj monthly bill as well. Can someone please explain clearly?
cmealso 6/17/09

Anonymous said...


I have found a lot of reviews about magic jack here.

Also this Magic jack video is funny...

Take care.

magicjack.com.pk said...

Magicjacks are available in Karachi, Pakistan.

PKR. 8,000/- only, Six months warranty and shipping is free if you want to get it shipped in Pakistan

Call 24/7 at 0345-2620669 for more information.


Anonymous said...

Magic Jack uninstall is infected. Trend Micro Antivirus says PAK_Generic.001 has infected the mjRemover.exe and it is untreatable if you run it. Beware Magic Jack Remover!!!!

Trixbox 101 said...

Great info mate!

Jenny Iris said...

Nice and informative blog. Thanks for sharing this useful information about magicjack.
Magicjack Plus

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing this valuable information to our vision, keep sharing with us. Magicjack Support